March 2022
Sandbox play continues to be a hot topic in the legal world. Our very own Lori Gonzalez with RayNa Corporation and Damien Riehl of Fastcase share highlights from their presentation on regulatory reform and its potential impacts for longstanding access to justice concerns. Hear this podcast: Come Play in the Sandbox – How to Advance Legal Services Through Regulation and other on Legal Talk Network.
Meet 1Passowrd. Are you still trying to remember your passwords? Or are you using a shared document for the logins and passwords? Its time to upgrade to a password manager tool. Meet 1Password. A tool that lets you create virtual vaults based on permissions and create digital cards with login, password, and direct links. You no longer have to send an email out with new password updates, simply update the card and anyone on your team who has permission to that vault can continue to log in. Fast and easy. Try a free trial with a personal account for yourself before launching it to the office.
Read more on leadership and firm admin tips here in RayNa’s monthly newsletter.