
June 2021

Back to normal in the new normal is still a bit challenging. The management team here at RayNa is re-evaluating our employee manual starting with the most important – vacation! What does vacation mean right now? How do we respect time-off as we all gear up for the summer? How do we take a real break from work if we have a stay-cation? It’s a lot! So here is how we are managing it. Remember when we introduced Trello – our favorite practice management tool? Here it is in action: Employee Manual Revamp.

Tired of explaining things over the phone or sharing screen in real time? If you missed our demo on Loom in our first story (above), here it is again (link Loom video). Meet Loom. So cool right! By far my favorite screencast tool. We pretty much use it for everything. Recently I used Loom to:

  • Show our software development team new features in our med record request database
  • Show off a new Clio integration to some legal tech friends in Atlanta
  • Update staff on a project for a meeting I could not attend
  • Endless possibilities!

Read more on leadership and firm admin tips here in RayNa’s monthly newsletter.
